I have always loved to listen to a good speaker. Last week I was in for a super bonus. I watched and heard not one, but three incredibly awesome speakers – Barrack Obama, Meryl Streep and Viola Davis. What a treat! Here is why each of their speeches moved my world.
Viola Davis at the Golden Globes
First off was Viola Davis presenting Meryl Streep her Cecil B. DeMille award for outstanding contribution to the world of entertainment. Ms. Davis spoke in her trademark deep engaging voice and meant every single word she said. It was personal, heart-felt, adoring even. She did not gush over the top but instead shared her special experience and what Meryl Streep meant to her. Honestly and beautifully. Love and admiration shone through!
Meryl Streep accepting her award
And then, Dame Streep took the stage to accept her award. First, she spoke about diversity and how Hollywood is and should continue to be accepting of all sorts of people from all over the world. She reiterated that this is what makes Hollywood what it is. Then she did something extraordinary. She shared her pain and angst about a speech made by someone who is slated to occupy the highest office in the country. That takes a hell of lot of guts. She chose to make her 5 minutes on the stage, with the entire world watching - really matter. Her voice shook with deep emotion and disgust but she said what she just had to - calmly. No yelling. No drama. Powerful!
Oh Barrack!
What can I say about Barrack Obama’s farewell speech that hasn’t been written already? He has always been a fantastic orator but this one was special. The world watched and heard the president – the leader of the free world. What I really heard was a friend, a husband and a father speak. He absolutely cherishes his relationships and unabashedly so! It is very tough to stand at the world stage and speak your heart like he did. A vast majority of us cannot even gather the strength to acknowledge people who mean the most to us. This was a speech made with humility, intelligence and a shit load of dignity. Seriously inspiring!
What’s the learning for me?
Listening to such powerful words within days of each other set my mind racing. Heart too! I really had to write this blog and share my awe. It set me thinking – what was it about these speeches that were so compelling?
Every single one of their speeches were simple, straight forward, genuine and heartfelt. Each one of the personalities had spent time thinking about how and what to say and how best to get the message across. These were not random thoughtless rambles. These were a response, not a reaction. They were well thought about and carefully weighed words. They reflect the authenticity and inner strength of the speakers. Clearly, these folks are a class apart!
Next - what is that I can learn from them? As a listener, pay attention and really listen. Look around and keep your ears open. Find speakers who stir something within you and encourage you to be your best. Listen to them carefully. Good speeches are thought provoking and inspiring. Find your inspiration. On the flip side, may be one day you are an inspiration to others. As a speaker, be authentic. Just be yourself. Share what your heart feels. Connect with your audience. One does not have to yell to be heard. Loud is not equal to effective. Keep it simple, straightforward and engaging.
I come away, post the speeches, feeling inspired and hopeful. Way too many disappointing events around the world have created this dark cloud of uncertainty and despair. I believe, it is up to us to find the light at the end of the tunnel. Our world that has among many others, a Viola Davis, a Meryl Streep and a Barrack Obama – there is always hope. There is always someone out there worth listening to over and over again!
I just did.