
For the better part of 2017, most of the world seemed to be thrown onto a crazy roller coaster ride. Utter chaos caused by elections and referendums, political unrest, war, ethnic cleansing and natural disasters. On an individual level, chaos could hit home when one is faced with losing their job, bereavement or even a health issue.

Just this week, my city, Mumbai, saw protesters taking to the streets, disrupting city life. There was so much confusion and misinformation. Many couldn’t get to work, some schools had to close early and thousands were stuck in traffic for hours. There was a huge loss in damage to public and private property. Even more than that, the chaos fed into the FEAR mindset. There were little kids walking around with stones and sticks, with such venomous rhetoric, damaging property and hurting people. That was heart-breaking.

The situation got me thinking and I realized, that, unfortunately, CHAOS has become the new normal. Perhaps we got used to several breaking stories everyday – each more unbelievable than the one earlier. So how does an ordinary person like you and I deal with chaos? Here is my take.

What to do right then?

Safety first, Always

There cannot be anything more important that ensuring your safety. There is no sense in trying to drive through a violent mob or treacherous icy road ways. Pay attention to local law enforcement advisory. If you are doing ok wherever you are now, stay put until the situation is safe enough for you to step out. Yet, this may not apply to all situations. For e.g., in case of a fire, one needs to try and get out into the open. Trying to get into a close room may not work. If not the fire, heat and smoke is likely to suffocate you. The best thing one can do is to make note of exits and stairways when you go to a new restaurant or movie theater or mall.

Stay Calm

When you get thrown into chaotic situation, try and stay calm. Getting agitated, hyper and losing your mind is not going to work. It will only get you more stressed. Pause. Take a deep breath. Think quickly but with a cool mind. Stay practical and stay positive.

Ask for Help

If you need help, please ask. Do not hesitate. You may need a ride to get home or to work. You may be need someone to pick up your child from school. Ask a class mom or a neighbor to help you out. People are always willing to chip in and help. How will anyone know you need help? Just ask.

Communication is Key

Sharing information about your whereabouts with family and friends is important. Try and make sure you share correct information about the situation out there. Incorrect information will only fuel further panic. Don’t add to the chaos. Share what you know. Social media groups are a lifeline and play a very vital role. Local radio stations can be very helpful too. Stay tuned in.

Adapt, be Flexible

One needs to adapt to the situation at hand. You may be at work and want to get home as quickly as you can. If that is not possible, be open to simply stay put at work or figure out if you can get to a friend’s home closer to work. Flights may be get cancelled due to severe weather and you cannot get to your destination. Rework your schedule and figure out the best option B.

How to be better prepared?

Be Aware

We are all super busy with our own lives. However, it is essential that we keep ourselves abreast with whatever is happening around us, in our neighborhood, city, country and the world. Reading or listening to daily news does help but dig a little deeper, have a better understanding of the stories behind the headlines. Being aware gives you a head-start when you do have to act. It prepares you to jump right in.

Create a Community

We are social beings and having a community is what keeps us going. Connect with people, set up support groups and reach out. Meetup in person as often as possible and build on individual strengths. Stay engaged as a community.

Few Pointers…

These are little things that can help.

  •   Keep spare keys to your home with a friend or neighbor
  •   Stick a post-it of your personal/work phone numbers on your refrigerator 
  •   Share emergency contact numbers with your colleagues
  •   Always carry a fully charged battery pack, a small torch and a tiny bag of nuts or protein bars

Life is unpredictable. Upheavals and emergencies are a part and parcel of the journey. Prepare as best you can and you will sail through.

“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you” – Deepak Chopra