Dear Zindagi (“Dear Life”), the latest movie starring Shahrukh Khan and Alia Bhatt, directed by Gauri Shinde, deserves a big thank you. It has brought the issue of mental wellness to the forefront and right into every living room. It started a conversation and has made it acceptable to hire a mental health professional. May be even cool!
The picture so far
Although, mental health practitioners have been around for a long time in India, at least in major cities, it is still very much “kept under wrap” topic. Very few even acknowledge having the need for one, let alone actually seeking help. People will consider visiting a mental health worker, if at all, only when the condition gets out of hand and disruptive. I don’t blame them because most people cannot recognize that certain behaviors could be a result of an underlying illness. Most of the time it is looked upon as “bad” behavior.
How to understand this better?
Who are mental health practitioners or “dimaag ka doctor” (doctor of the mind) as addressed in the movie? These include psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, life coaches and numerous other specialists such as those who work with special needs kids. The range of illnesses treated range from serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s to anxiety, behavioral issues, relationship counselling, life-goal setting and even sleeplessness – to name a few.
Well, all of this may sound very complicated – and it IS! However, what one needs to really recognize is that if something doesn’t feel right and it is affecting your physical health and daily life, it is time to make that appointment.
Why is this so important?
Mental well-being is as important as physical health; perhaps even more so. The truth is that you cannot have a healthy body without a healthy mind. One does not need to have serious mental health issues to seek help. Mental healthcare is for everyone. The protagonist, beautifully portrayed, by Alia Bhatt in “Dear Zindagi”, is a regular young working woman. She is a normal person who has a difficult time dealing with the ups and downs of her life. Yes, everyone has a bad day or bad week or even a terrible year but the key difference is that it was affecting the young woman’s everyday function. This person could have very easily been you or me – at some point in our lives. Our spirit broken, we struggled to keep afloat, cried bucket loads, screamed and vented. Over time, we were ok – moved on with life; scars still very much raw.
But it does not have to be this way. There are professionals to help you with this. Seek them out wholeheartedly. Do remember that it is perfectly normal to hire a counselor. I would even go a step further. It is a great idea to meet your counselor on a regular basis. I am sure you get a physical checkup done every year. Why not keep mental health in order as well?
There is hope
There has been an evolution but at a very slow pace. Most schools now have full time counselors. How much they get utilized is a different question. Learning disability and autism among children are being taken seriously. Schools now encourage inclusive learning. The younger generation is definitely opening up to the concept of actively seeking help. And that is good thing. We have a very long way to go, but “Dear Zindagi” is a great start! Kudos to everyone who was part of this movie. Well done!
Look out for "Dear Zindagi" Part 2 – Why your BFF is not your therapist!